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Metal-related cottage industry activities were defined as car repairs, spray painting, scrap metal recycling, electrical appliance repairs, welding, hairdressing and metal jewelry making.

One fifth of the households interviewed were operating one or more cottage industries associated with the use of toxic substances. Therefore, the potential exists for associated ill health effects in a considerable proportion of the population. Further research is needed to fully assess exposure to the harmful aspects of cottage industry, as are scaled up campaigns to increase awareness of the risks and correct handling of toxic substances.

Dietary diversity of formal and informal residents in Johannesburg , South Africa. Background This paper considers the question of dietary diversity as a proxy for nutrition insecurity in communities living in the inner city and the urban informal periphery in Johannesburg. It argues that the issue of nutrition insecurity demands urgent and immediate attention by policy makers.

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This paper examines socio-economic factors influencing parental involvement in homework at the Foundation Phase in eight Johannesburg public primary schools. The research was conducted among over parents from schools in different geographical and socio-economic areas such as the inner city, suburban and township. Two primary schools were…. Quantitative data were gathered from an ACASI survey that was administered to approximately — adolescents per site. Prevention strategies need to also. Treatment initiation among persons diagnosed with drug resistant tuberculosis in Johannesburg , South Africa.

Background In South Africa, roughly half of the drug-resistant TB cases diagnosed are reported to have been started on treatment. We determined the proportion of persons diagnosed with rifampicin resistant RR- TB who initiated treatment in Johannesburg after the introduction of decentralized RR-TB care in We report diagnostic methods and outcomes, proportions initiating treatment, and median time from diagnosis to treatment initiation. Results patients were enrolled median age 34 IQR 29—42 , The median time from sputum collection to treatment initiation was 33 days IQR 12— Conclusion Despite decentralized RR-TB treatment, fewer than half the patients diagnosed in Johannesburg initiated appropriate treatment.

Offering treatment at decentralized sites alone is not sufficient; improvements in linking patients diagnosed with RR-TB to effective treatment is essential. The epidemiology of homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg , South Africa. Studies that provide accurate descriptions of the occurrence of fatal strangulation events are limited, both in South Africa and elsewhere in the world.

The current study describes the extent and distribution of female and male homicidal strangulation in the City of Johannesburg for the period The study is a register-based cross sectional study of homicidal strangulation that draws on data recorded by the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System. Crude, unadjusted strangulation rates, and proportions of strangulation across specific circumstances of occurrence were computed for each year and aggregated in some instances.

Results indicated fatal strangulation to be the fourth leading cause of homicide in the City of Johannesburg. A total of strangulation homicides were recorded, representing an average annual strangulation homicide rate of 0. Gender disproportionality in victimisation was reflected in the average annual rate of 1. The highest rates were recorded among the elderly, and amongst coloured females and white males. Temporal and spatial descriptions indicated that victims were strangled primarily during the day, over the weekday period, and in private locations.

When the scene of death was considered by race and age group, results indicated the victimisation of white females and males in private places, and the elderly in private settings. The majority of strangulation victims tested negative for alcohol.

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The results highlight the need for multi-level prevention strategies that target specific risk groups and situations. All rights reserved. From apartheid to integration: the role of the Witwatersrand Medical library in health care services in Johannesburg , South Africa. Adapting to change is always difficult; all the more so when changes in the administrative structure of health care are part of a national political transformation toward democracy. As South Africa moves from apartheid to integration in its health services, the Witwatersrand Medical Library WML will have to adopt innovative strategies to cope with increasing demands on its resources by sub-Saharan African medical libraries and with expected decreases in state funding for health and education.

WML also will have to address the lack of hospital library services in the Johannesburg region by expanding its academic branches at University of the Witwatersrand Medical School's teaching hospitals to serve both hospital and academic health care staff. This article discusses these challenges in the context of rapidly changing academic health care services in Johannesburg.

From fear to resilience: adolescents' experiences of violence in inner-city Johannesburg , South Africa.

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For adolescents growing up in poor urban South African settings, violence is often a part of daily life and has lasting effects on physical and mental health outcomes in adulthood. We conducted a qualitative study to document and understand the forms of interpersonal violence experienced by adolescents living in Hillbrow, Johannesburg. In this article, we explore how violence is experienced differently by adolescent boys and girls, how they conceptualise 'dangerous' and 'safe' spaces in their neighbourhood and what gaps exist in available services for youth in Hillbrow.

This article reports on analysis using only data from the Johannesburg site. Transcripts were coded manually and analysed using an inductive thematic analysis approach. Both girls and boys reported high exposure to witnessing violence and crime.

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For girls, the threat of sexual harassment and violence was pervasive, while boys feared local gangs, the threat of physical violence, and being drawn into substance-abuse. Home was largely a safe haven for boys, whereas for girls it was often a space of sexual violence, abuse and neglect. Some adolescents developed coping mechanisms, such as actively seeking out community theatres, churches and other places of sanctuary from violence. Community-based services and shelters that support adolescents reported a lack of resources, overall instability and difficulties networking effectively. While migration in South Africa has been studied on a broad canvas, there have been few accounts of children's migration and the effects on living conditions and wellbeing.

This article compares the access to services, housing and household amenities, and family characteristics of children born in the Greater Johannesburg metropolis with those of in-migrant children. The article also examines other indicators of child wellbeing related to parental care and schooling. In-migrant children also live in households that are less likely to have amenities such as a refrigerator, television, washing machine, telephone and motor vehicle.

In terms of child indicators, in-migrant children enjoy less frequent parental contact and are twice as likely to start school later than resident children.

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Whilst urbanisation to South Africa's metropolitan centres is generally associated with several widely recognised benefits, for children, these benefits may be tempered by the disadvantages of in-migrant families known to be associated with child wellbeing. Adolescent homicide victimization in Johannesburg , South Africa: incidence and epidemiological characteristics This study describes the incidence and epidemiological characteristics of adolescent homicides years in Johannesburg , South Africa. A retrospective population-based study was conducted on cases drawn from the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System.

A total of adolescent homicides were registered for corresponding to an average annual homicide rate of The average annual rate was Black and coloured adolescents had the highest homicide rates. There was a considerable decline in the firearm homicide rates over the study period. In contrast, sharp instrument and blunt force homicides increased.

Public places were the predominant scenes for male deaths, while female homicides occurred primarily in residential locations. Most male homicides took place over weekend nights. Alcohol was a prominent feature of homicides. The high homicide rates reported in this study underscore the need to develop interventions directed specifically at adolescents.

Prevention efforts are required to pay particular attention to black and coloured adolescent males, and to address the availability of weapons and alcohol use among adolescents. Although studies have described the incidence and epidemiology of adolescent homicide victimization in South Africa, little is known about the situational contexts in which they occur.

This study aimed to describe the victim, offender, and event characteristics of adolescent homicide and to generate a typology based on the particular types of situational contexts associated with adolescent homicide in South Africa. The results can serve to inform the development of tailored and focused strategies for the prevention of adolescent homicide. Guidelines for rainwater harvesting system design and assessment for the city of Johannesburg , South Africa. As water demand increases rainwater harvesting RWH systems are increasingly being installed for water supply but comprehensive hydrologic design guidelines for RWH do not exist in many parts of the world.

The objective of this study was to develop guidelines for the hydrologic design and assessment of rainwater harvesting RWH systems in the City of Johannesburg , South Africa.

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The data for developing the guidelines were mainly obtained from multiple daily simulations of potential RWH systems in the city. The simulations used daily rainfall from 8 stations and demands based on the probable non-potable uses of RWH systems - toilet flushing, air conditioning and irrigation. The guidelines were confined to systems that would typically fill up in the wet season and empty towards the end of the dry season of the same year.

Therefore, supply-to-demand ratios ranging from 0. Two generalized design charts of dimensionless relationships were developed. One relates the yield ratio with supply-to-demand ratio and reliability while the other relates the yield ratio with the storage-to-demand ratio and reliability. Reliability was defined as the probability of exceedance of annual yield in order to incorporate the large inter-annual variability of rainfall experienced in the region.

The analyses and design of an example RWH system is used to illustrate the application of the design charts.

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Periprocedural myocardial infarction during percutaneous coronary intervention in an academic tertiary centre in Johannesburg.
