Any advice and suggestions regarding content — and subject-tree will be highly appreciated: please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact info dyabola. American Journal of Archaeology Nr. Analecta Bollandiana Nr.
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Antiquity 94 Nr. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 30 Nr. Archaeological Dialogues 26 Nr. Archaeometry 62 Nr. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 30 Nr. European Journal of Archaeology 22 Nr. European Journal of Archaeology 23 Nr. European Review of History. Greece and Rome 66 Nr. Greece and Rome 67 Nr. Hermes Nr. Phoenix 72 Nr.
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Radiocarbon 61 Nr. Radiocarbon 62 Nr. Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 28 online edition. Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 32 online edition.
Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 33 online edition. Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 34 online edition. Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 35 online edition. Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 36 online edition. Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 39 online edition.
Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 48 online edition. Sehepunkte 20 Nr. Studi italiani di filologia classica 17 Nr. The Archaeological Journal Nr. The Classical Review 69 Nr. There have been a few articles recently on resilience in the ancient world e. More recently, however, archaeologists, in particular, have shown how communities not only survived these difficult times, but prospered. She then draws upon archaeological data to demonstrate how the most resilience communities shared many of these features.
Of particular interest to me was the role of the church which not only served as a nodes in larger communication networks, but also as institutions around which social capital accumulates. Lewitt suggests that the bonds created through shared support of the local church, for example, created pathways to pool resources during times of crisis.
Years ago, I was interested in how Christianity introduced new forms of giving. This new vision of charity would have undoubtedly led to new forms of social organization that may have led to greater community resilience. The other interesting observation is that communities with greater economic equality tend to be more resilient than those with great divisions in wealth.
Lewitt looks at the relative size of houses in the deserted villages in Syria to argue for social and economic equality in those communities. If we understand smaller rural communities to have less social and economic diversity, then we might expect these communities to be more resilient than the evidence tends to indicate. IV Non.

It is just over eighteen minutes long. Nikolaus Overtoom joins us to discuss the Parthians and the Arsacid dynasty, a group that emerged from the Central Asian Steppes to come into conflict with the Seleucids and Hellenistic kingdoms during early-middle 3rd century B. We talk about Dr. Join us as we explore all the ways Dionysus subverted the Roman patriarchy, theatre practices of the ancient Greeks, woman-centric retellings of Medea and Medusa, and the most radically feminist Greek playwright of his time: Euripides. If it thunders today, it portends a sign of justice bringing prosperity to good humans and paltry things to the evil humans.
Voici le tout premier guide touristique sur la Terre Sainte. The objects were discovered in the lake in , and were kept in similar underwater conditions for the past 13 years while they were studied. Most of the 52 possible ritual items in the collection are spherical or conical in shape and made of the resin of the copal tree.
The spherical objects are about the size of a baseball, she added. Carbon dating of the objects indicates they were made between A. Het is de eerste keer dat deze eer te beurt valt aan erfgoed in Vlaanderen. Na een voorselectie door de deelnemende lidstaten waarbij 19 sites naar voren geschoven werden, heeft een Europese jury van onafhankelijke deskundigen uit heel Europa 10 sites aanbevolen.
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Like Oil! At the end of the novel she boards a train headed for Southern California to meet with a lawyer not only to arrange for a divorce from the steroid-raging Skiles, but also to secure her share of his is assets. Undoubtedly this lawyer is the same individual who represented the Arnold family after the death of the patriarch at the end of Oil!
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Tot 1 juni kunnen abstracts voor een bijdrage rond het thema ingediend worden. Hodie est Kal. Ray recently interviewed Lindsay Powell about Caligula. I asked Ray for show notes. This is what he gave me. He went deep.
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Then his analysis of the events in the German border and the coast of Britain. And his apparent fickleness, which in a ruler, effects everyone but also how people like Suetonius probably used that. Trojan, Achilles vs. Hector in the most epic battle of the Trojan War. Scientific communication is often presented as logical and empirical context-free. The facts, however, do not speak for themselves and context serves a very necessary function in providing meaning for data.
Honestly, who cares that there were 14 ducks a-dabbling, or that the Wild Wood was bigger at some point? Secretly, even most specialists do not. Yet as specialists, we continue to complain that our reports are consigned to the graveyard of the appendices where they can be safely ignored by non-specialists. Storytelling might appear to be anathema to rigorous scientific approaches to data. Literary theory and psychology research both suggest though that readers better understand narrative writing in comparison with expository writing.
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It has also recently been demonstrated that climate change science papers which adopt a narrative style are both more likely to be cited by peers and more likely to have a wider impact beyond the specialist audience. Environmental archaeology is in a unique position — able to contribute equally to archaeological debates and to the discourse surrounding climate change. As such, it is especially important that our voice is heard — not just that our data is published but that our interpretations are understood and remembered.
We believe that adopting a narrative approach in our writing may be one way in which to achieve these aims. The current global environmental crisis impacts on every field of human life and so must be engaged with by every field of academic research. Widespread degradation of every ecosystem on earth means that now, more than ever, we are in urgent need for careful consideration of our place within our ecosystems.