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High proportions of migrants in Midrand reflect its rapid development in the past decade and the growth of settlements like Diepsloot. Binary analysis of the populations of peripheral and core areas in Gauteng using Census data found that a higher proportion of the population in the core of the province was made up of migrants Table 5. When the index is broken down, a slightly different picture emerges. Figure 13 shows that the distribution of wards with high proportions of internal migrants is uneven in core and peripheral areas.
The parts of the city of Tshwane that lie in the core are notable for. There are some differences in the core and periphery between the proportions of migrants from the various provinces Table 6. With the exception of the mining areas of the West Rand, cross-border or international migrants are most likely to form higher proportions of the population of wards located in the core Figure There are differences in the origins of cross-border migrants found in core and peripheral areas: in peripheral areas there are higher proportions of migrants from the Southern African Development Community.
SADC , while in core areas of the province there are higher proportions of migrants from the rest of the continent outside the SADC and elsewhere in the world Table 7.
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The high proportions of migrants from SADC countries in peripheral areas may reflect their more than a century long association of migrants with working in the gold mining and agricultural sectors. Mobility is associated with peripherality, yet Gauteng and its metros, the richest province and the core of the country, have the most mobile populations in South Africa Table 8.
Tables 8 and 9, and Figure 15, showing people over the age of 10 years who moved to their place of dwelling between and , demonstrate how mobile the population of the province is. These moves may have been within the province, from another province, or from another country. Moves of internal and international migrants may just have been within the province.
Notable is that of those who were born. And, nearly three quarters of the people in Gauteng who were born outside South Africa, moved in the same decade. This is likely to reflect the rates of cross-border migration to the province, particularly from the SADC, and more specifically from Zimbabwe, over the past decade, the impact of the xenophobic violence in the province of , as well as residential mobility within the province.
Figure 15 shows how township areas, often located in the core, but peripheral in other ways, have some of the least mobile populations. This applies, in particular, to the established townships of Alexandra, Soweto, Mamelodi, Soshanguve and Sharpeville Figure Similarly, swathes of the periphery show a largely immobile population, particularly on the spatial boundaries of the province, including the old homeland areas on the north-western border. When a binary analysis was undertaken using Census data, 37 per cent of the population of the core aged over 10 years, and 32 per cent of the periphery, had moved dwelling between and The high rate of mobility, particularly of those born in Gauteng, may reflect changing housing opportunities and new government housing developments.
However, it could also relate to other kinds of mobility and the many reasons people move home. South Africa has a long history of internal and cross-border labour migration to support the extraction of commodities like gold, as well as other secondary economic activities.

Crudely put, apartheid engineered a system where black workers were forced to live in labour reserves and travel to urban or other areas where their labour was required. The demise of apartheid has ostensibly allowed people to live wherever they want to income and opportunities permitting and to. Thus, the cheap labour force of the wider national periphery has been able to come to the doorstep of capital located in the core of Gauteng. Peripheral areas in the province, which still act as sources of labour for the core, also show high rates of in-migration.
Gauteng is the epicentre of migration in South Africa and over half 52 per cent of the population growth between and was through in-migration StatsSA, In , 47 per cent of the population of Johannesburg and 45 per cent of the population of Ekurhuleni was internal or international migrants.
However, only a third of the population of Cape Town 27 per cent internal, and 6 per cent international migrants , and 13 per cent of the population of eThekwini 10 per cent internal, and 3 per cent international migrants had been born outside those provinces Census, Internal migration to the province and the GCR has been growing, particularly between and , and has continued steadily. Patterns of cross-border migration to the province have changed considerably since Table There has been a significant increase in migration from other African countries, particularly to the core.
The largest increase has been in the numbers of southern Africans in the province. In peripheral areas, the proportion of cross-border migrants born in SADC countries has barely changed since , despite declining employment levels of SADC nationals on the gold mines. In the core areas of the GCR, however, the proportion of SADC nationals rose from less than half of cross-border migrants 47 per cent in , to over three quarters 78 per cent in Part of this proportional increase can be ascribed to a fall in the numbers of migrants born in Europe, who constituted 38 per cent of cross-border migrants in , but only 6 per cent in Their numbers may have fallen owing to emigration, migration to other parts of South Africa, and death an aging population.
However, most of the change can be ascribed to new patterns of migration. Since , there has been a notable increase in the presence of people born in the rest of Africa, beyond the SADC. The proportion of nationals from the rest of the continent outside the SADC doubled in core areas between and Table Cross-border migrants from outside the SADC, including people from the rest of Africa and the Indian subcontinent and Asia, began moving to peripheral areas between and Table Theories of uneven development do not engage sufficiently with the relationship between urbanisation and migration, and core and peripheral areas.
At the same time, the legacy of apartheid labour practices, particularly the circular migratory labour system, persists in the mining fields of the West Rand, where the mining sector attracts and employs mainly men from other provinces, particularly the Eastern Cape, on shortterm contracts.
Workers from outside South Africa are not able to bring their families with them. Circular migration is also practiced by other international and internal migrants in the GCR and Gauteng. The peripheral areas of the city-region, whether located outside the core or within the core, are home to new migrants, whether internal or cross-border, as well as to sections of the historically-disadvantaged black population born in the province. These residents are usually located in the old township areas of Gauteng, or in new informal settlements and RDP housing developments on the edges of cities, and sometimes in the urban core.
Education has an impact on the employment and income-earning opportunities of individuals and the development capacity of an area. Educational opportunities are not always distributed equally, however. Areas where there are poor distributions of schools, weak schools, poor attendance at school, long distances travelled to school, low levels of education, and little access to institutions of higher education, are likely to be peripheral. Gauteng is home to many institutions of higher education HEIs. Four public universities lie within the boundaries of the province — the universities of Johannesburg, Pretoria, South Africa Unisa and the Witwatersrand — as well as the Vaal campus of North-West University, two universities of technology Tshwane and Vaal , eleven further education and training FET colleges, and a private university.
In , there were also 60 private education colleges in the province Nyar, 4. The main campuses of all of these institutions are located in the core of the GCR Nyar, In addition, owing to institutional mergers, the University of Johannesburg also has campuses on the East Rand and in Soweto, and the University of Pretoria also has a campus in Mamelodi, essentially peripheral areas in the core of the province. Unisa is primarily a distance-learning.
Between and , research chairs were appointed nationally, of which 47 were allocated in Gauteng GCRO, b. The concentration of HEIs and investment in research chairs in Gauteng is reflected in, and perhaps reflects, its core status when considered on a national scale. However, the investment does not reflect the contribution of the province to national GDP 33 per cent and the proportion of business 58 per cent and government 23 per cent investment in research and development in the province GCRO, a. A binary analysis of Census data shows that there were differences in the highest educational level achieved by residents of the areas demarcated as core and peripheral in Gauteng.
Residents in the periphery were more likely to have no schooling and just over a quarter had only some primary schooling or had completed primary school 26 per cent , compared to a fifth 20 per cent in the core Table Residents in the periphery were less likely to have completed high school.
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They were also less likely to hold a certificate or diploma or have any other kind of tertiary education 10 per cent in the periphery and 18 per cent in the core. Census data on school attendance showed that pre-school attendance was lower in peripheral. Rates of attendance at school were slightly lower for children aged 13 to 18 years in peripheral areas, although the differences were not great Tables 12 and The figures for school attendance in the core are distorted by the higher proportion of youth in the core in tertiary education, which shrinks the proportions in other forms of education in the core.
Table 12 shows that school attendance in core and peripheral areas is similar, with the exception of pre-school. Thus perhaps the unevenness seen in the highest levels of education achieved in core and peripheral areas might even out in future, notwithstanding the concentration of HEIs in the core. Ordinary school including Grade R learners at a formal school; Grade learners and learners in special classes. Many learners in many densely-populated parts of peripheral areas, as well as those in less denselypopulated areas, have to travel long distances to school Figures 16 and Long journeys are particularly arduous for children in primary school.
Many of these schools may be large and may be overcrowded to accommodate the number of learners in the catchment area. Figure 18 shows that although some highperforming secondary schools are found in peripheral. Conversely, the periphery is slightly more likely to be home to under-performing secondary schools. These experiences appear to be reflected in the satisfaction of residents with their local educational facilities.
Only 62 per cent of residents in peripheral areas, and 73 per cent in core areas were satisfied, while 20 per cent in the periphery and 13 per cent in the core were dissatisfied. In South Africa, most state-run schools charge attendance fees. However, some schools are designated no-fee schools, to accommodate children whose parents are unable to pay school fees. These schools are found in parts of the periphery. In the core, they are located mainly in those areas which are considered socio-economically peripheral, mainly townships, informal settlements and former homeland areas Figure Independent schools are firmly located in the core Figure Photograph by Clive Hassall.
Lack of education is a problem for the individuals concerned as it affects their employment and earning capacities, but it also has other implications.
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Low levels of education affect the human capital of an area, and the scope to create particular kinds of employment in particular places. Areas with an educated population are more likely to attract investment in skilled and higher-paid employment, which is the focus of city-region and provincial investment and economic development plans for research and innovation hubs GPG, Perhaps one of the most significant changes in both core and peripheral regions of the GCR since is the massive improvement in the levels of education achieved in the province.
The proportion of the population with no schooling has fallen dramatically, particularly in peripheral areas from 17 per cent in to 5 per cent in in the periphery, and from 12 per cent to 3 per cent in the core Table The number of residents in the periphery with some secondary education has grown from a quarter to over a third. While only 13 per cent of people in peripheral areas had completed secondary school in , almost a quarter had done so by Table The number of people with tertiary education doubled. Improvements were also seen in the core, particularly in higher education.