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A History of Research on Human Evolution in South Africa from to
Read the details here. More recent excavations at Kromdraai and analyses of fauna as well as sediments have been conducted since e. Thackeray et al.

Recent fieldwork by Braga and Thackeray , as part of a joint French-South African research effort, has greatly supplemented the number of hominin fossils, including Paranthropus and early Homo. It is not certain whether the Kromdraai B artefacts were manufactured by P. In terms of palaeomagnetic analyses of breccia and calcite, Kromdraai B is at least 1.
Kirschvink, pers. Thackeray , suggesting that the KA deposits are younger than 1. Aerial photograph of Kromdraai Photograph: J. Hominins from this site were first discovered in at a time when Robert Broom and John Robinson of the Transvaal Museum were extending their search for Plio-Pleistocene fossils from the dumps of breccia discarded by lime-miners Brain, Paranthropus robustus was evidently a victim of leopard predation, whereas early Homo with the controlled use of fire may have been able to ward off predators.
Specimens attributed to Paranthropus robustus and Homo sp. Juvenile mandibles of Paranthropus robustus attracted great interest especially after a press conference that was held in Paris. Substantial funding for the fieldwork and research was obtained through the French Embassy in Pretoria. Subsequent work was undertaken by Colin Menter with support from Lee Berger, both associated with the University of the Witwatersrand Keyser et al.
An essentially complete cranium of a female Paranthropus robustus was a prized specimen Keyser, , together with the hominins which were discovered earlier by Braga and Gommery Schwartz and Tattersall, , and a fragmentary pelvis of P. The fossil material has been substantially supplemented and continues to be studied by Colin Menter and his team Adams et al.
The area was explored in by Robert Broom soon after he was appointed as a palaeontologist at the Transvaal Museum now called the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History. Peabody in and Several sites were explored. Freedman , described non-hominin primates. Basil Cooke published a map of almost 20 pit localities, and described suids including a cranium of Phacochoerus modestus , carnivores and bovids. A revised map of pits explored by the California Expedition was prepared Thackeray et al. The fossil assemblages are exceptionally important since they have the potential to document palaeo-environmental changes within a period of transition between Australopithecus and Homo.
The exact location has been uncertain until Gommery et al.
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It was first excavated by Elisabeth Vrba with David Panagos in The Plio-Pleistocene faunal assemblages were described by Watson , Adams and Conroy and Adams , indicating an age of about 1. The fauna includes ungulates that depend on grassland and woodland vegetation, reflecting a mosaic habitat.
An investigation by Thackeray and Suzanne Ubick led to the recognition of an antimere another isolated premolar, representing the same individual in the collection of modern Homo sapiens at the Transvaal Museum. Among the potential suspects is Panagos who was known to have had a sense of humour, who prepared the Gondolin fossils from breccia, and who also fell into disagreement with Vrba before his death.

The question arises as to whether specimens attributed to P. It has yielded a hominin Leece et al.
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Remarkably, human hair was found in a hyaena coprolite, dated at circa , years before present. The two individuals probably fell into the solution cavity, dropping more than 10 metres. The two specimens attributed to A. The mosaic nature of the anatomy of A. It is the site of discovery of an extraordinary hominin species, Homo naledi , reported by Lee Berger et al. An assemblage of more than fossils, representing 15 individuals, has been attributed to this species.
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There were no carnivore or antelope fossils of the kind that are often found in cave assemblages such as at Sterkfontein, Swartkrans and Kromdraai. It has been suggested that the specimens are most similar in terms of cranial anatomy to early Homo. Some of the postcrania suggest similarities with modern Homo sapiens , but H. An implication of this amazing discovery is that it strengthens the view that there is no clear boundary between Australopithecus and Homo Thackeray, Morphometric analyses of crania support the view that Homo naledi is warranted as a distinct species Thackeray, a, b.
It has yielded part of a Middle Pleistocene cranium discovered by Keith Jolly and Ronald Singer in , and attributed to Homo heidelbergensis Rightmire, It is an open spring site dated at about , BP, and is most famous for a partial cranium that was originally classified as Homo helmei Dreyer, , but which has more recently been attributed to Homo sapiens helmei Thackeray, , similar to Homo sapiens idaltu from Ethiopia dated circa , BP. The recent discoveries of fossils from sites such as Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Kromdraai, Bolt's Farm, Malapa and Rising Star are contributing remarkably to an appreciation of the complexity and diversity of hominin evolution in the Plio-Pleistocene.
Excavations and research will certainly continue to progress in South Africa, focussing not only on studies of anatomy but also on palaeo-environments and the behaviour of hominins. There is great potential in extending palaeo-anthropological research from the Pleistocene into the Miocene, as reflected for example by exciting fieldwork on Bolt's Farm. Adams JW Taphonomy of the Gondolin GD2 in situ deposits and its bearing on interpretations of South African Plio-Pleistocene karstic fossil assemblages.
Journal of Taphonomy 8, Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. Macrommalian faunas, biochronology and palaeoecology of the early Pleistocene Main Quarry hominin-bearing deposits of the Drimolen Palaeocave System, South Africa. PeerJ 4, e Upper third molar internal structural organization and semicircular canal morphology in Plio-Pleistocene South African cercopithecoids.
J Hum Evol 95, New discoveries at the early hominid site of Gladysvale, South Africa. S Afr J Sci 90, Science : — Braga J, Thackeray JF Early Homo at Kromdraai B: probabilistic and morphological analysis of the lower dentition. CR Palevol Kromdraai, a Birthplace of Paranthropus in the Cradle of Humankind editors.
Stellenbosch: Sun Media. Stretching the time span of hominin evolution at Kromdraai Gauteng, South Africa : Recent discoveries.
CR Palevol. Brain CK The hunters or the hunted? An introduction to African cave taphonomy. Londres: The University of Chicago Press. Brain CK, Sillen A Evidence from Swartkrans Cave for the earliest use of fire. Nature , Broom R A new fossil anthropoid skull from South Africa. Notices of a few more new fossil mammals from the caves of the Transvaal.
Ann Mag Nat Hist 20 10 , The Pleistocene anthropoid apes of South Africa.
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Discovery of a new skull of the South African ape-man, Plesianthropus. Finding the missing link. Londres: Watts et Co. Plesianthropus transvaalensis Broom. The australopithecinae.
Pretoria: Transvaal Museum. A revised stratigraphy of Kromdraai. Camp CL University of California Expedition — Southern Section. Science , Clarke RJ In the early s a large collection of fossilized bones and Paleolithic artifacts was discovered in chalky concretions exposed between high dunes by the prevailing winds. Under the direction of Ronald Singer of the University of Cape Town, more than 20, faunal remains and 5, artifacts were removed from the site.
About 50 mammalian species, approximately half of them extinct, are represented among the fossil bones.