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The problem addressed in this article is to do multi-step prediction of a stationary time series, and to find the associated prediction limits. Maree, J. Historically disadvantaged students in South Africa often underachieve in mathematics due to a number of factors. Action research that was conducted at the former Technikon Northern Gauteng to investigate ways in which Problem-based approach to mathematics in grades 9 and 11 in the Limpopo Province: Teachers of schools in the central region of the Limpopo Province of South Africa received training in a problem-based approach to the Inadequate achievement in mathematics appears to be a major problem in post-apartheid South Africa.
In the current article this phenomenon is discussed and possible reasons are indicated. The primary aim of the article is Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document Accompanied by 1 disc available at main counter with shelf number EM Master copy at back of book.
Crafford, Gretel University of Pretoria , The maximum likelihood ML estimation procedure of Matthews and Crowther A maximum likelihood estimation procedure when modelling in terms of constraints.
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South African Statistical Journal, 29, is utilized Du Plessis, K University of Pretoria , The analysis of a time series is a problem well known to statisticians. Neural networks form the basis of an entirely non-linear approach to the analysis of time series. It has been widely used in pattern recognition, Mahomedy, Z. Setlhare, Keamogetse University of Pretoria , An attempt is made in this thesis to study the optimization and estimation of stochastic models of manpower systems incorporating one or more of the following aspects: i recruitment, ii promotion, iii training and MAF pilot Nate Saint and four missionary companions landed on a beach in Ecuador to reach the Huaorani Indians known as the Aucas , made contact and were killed by the Indians.
Introduced use of Missavia transistorized radio for long-distance communication. Completed installation of GPS receivers on all its aircraft. Installed first satellite communications link in Goma, Zaire, to provide mission and relief agencies the capacity to communicate with the US and each other.
Geographical emphasis. The mission operated throughout the world, with fields opened in the following countries chronologically :. Sudan Alternate names. Changed name to Mission Aviation Fellowship. Selected Affiliated Ministries. Surinaamese Zendings Vliegdienst Suriname. International conferences. MAF absorbed a related concern, Missionary Engineering, in They served to keep a widely-scattered personnel in touch with each other, and to fan the fires of interest in the broad grass-roots financial base on which MAF rested. The monthly prayer bulletin, Intercessor , was begun in the s.
MAF published and was the subject of several books as well, including the life of Nate Saint. Other significant information. Mission Aviation Fellowship MAF grew out of a realization of Christian aviators primarily men but also including women in the armed forces that the Christian missionary effort could increase its range and effectiveness by the use of aviation. MAF was established just as World War II was in its final months, with the initial wave of MAF members was largely war pilots, no longer employed by the United States government, who wanted to serve Christianity with their specialized skills.
In its "founding" years, the Fellowship was guided by its executive officers and an Advisory Council, then later by a Board of Directors. The first council was formed of Evangelical leaders V. Raymond Edman, Dawson Trotman, R. McQuilkin, Jack Wyrtzen, and C.
Stacey Woods. In the Council was enlarged and became known as the Board of Reference. Active membership in MAF was comprised of pilots, mechanics, technicians, office staff, etc. Admission to membership required an age of twenty-one thirty-two years maximum in earlier MAF history , compatibility with stated principles and practices, agreement with the statement of faith, and screening by MAF leaders and selection by a nominating committee. Associate membership was open to any interested party, but did not include voting privilege. Qualifications included age, Christian technological education such as Moody Bible Institute's Missionary Technology degree or from Le Tourneau College, or from certain reputable secular schools like the Spartan School of Aeronautics , and technical proficiency as commercial pilot with flight AP mechanical rating.
Pilots underwent several months of orientation, including to mountain and desert conditions to prepare them for field work, preparation for transition to an unfamiliar culture, instruction in budgeting and proper record-keeping, and training to be an unofficial ambassador for Christ in working with foreign populations and governments.
Periodic effectiveness and flight evaluations were used to keep MAF personnel a highly-selective and competent group. Personnel slated for foreign countries were given intense study in the national language of the country to which they were appointed. The home office, when based in California, was used for overhauling new planes, policy decisions, personnel selection and assignment, overall financial operation, pilot orientation, and radio laboratory. Field bases were responsible for maintaining their own flight schedules, fuel purchases, and bill-collecting.
MAF equipment was purchased by the organization or by the mission that the equipment was to serve, and then sometimes leased to MAF.
Planes were modified at the Fullerton base for optimal function in the mission purpose. Planes were not smaller than four-seaters.
The standard models most often used in earlier years were Cessna , , , Piper, and Piper Pacer. Later, the Cessna and twin Aero Commanders, twin Otters and a few helicopters were put into service. Candidates raised their own support monthly salary and overhead costs of relocating in a mission field. Any over-support of a missionary spilled into the general fund to contribute to the deficits in others' support. Income came from individuals, churches, organizations and foundations, loans, and receipts from mission and commercial flights. Monies were budgeted to cover upkeep and replacement of equipment, support systems hangars and repair centers , reduction of long-term debt, publications, salaries and administration, operation of flight schedules, and continuing education programs language, technical, etc.
MAF operated its own film ministry as well, circulating motion pictures to churches and other groups. A longer film was Flight Plan. Scope and Content. The documents in this collection include correspondence, memos, reports, newsletters, flight reports, accident reports, medical reports, radio data, personnel affairs, policy statements, handbooks, presentation manuscripts, aircraft technical booklets, incorporation documents, financial reports, reference articles, meeting agendas and minutes, assessment questionnaires, lists, strategic plans, prayer letters, publications, audio tapes, photographs and MAF films.
These documents reflect its operation, flight service, policies, personnel management, relations with governments and other organizations, outreach to a wide financial support base, stewardship of finances, and publications to maintain communication with financial and prayer. Other topics documented throughout the collection include missionaries' adjustment to foreign climates and cultures; exacting technical aspects of aviation, especially concerned with small aircraft; evaluation of aviation and radio as mission tools; political and cultural affairs of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia; and inter-mission relations and cooperation.
The collection was initially arranged alphabetically see original folder-level container list. The collection has been rearranged into series that reflect the organizational divisions of MAF; major portions of the original arrangement have been integrated into that structure, while a few remaining files have been consolidated into the Miscellaneous series. The collection is arranged according to the following series: I.
President no records II. Board IV. MAF in Other Countries. Regional and Area Offices. Latin America region. Staff [prayer] letters B. General correspondence C. Publications VI. Technical VIII. Finance IX. Personnel A. D-2 Personnel Correspondence B. Human Resources no records X. Other Missions XI. General A. Old Correspondence B. Other Correspondence XII.
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Virtually any folder in the collection bearing the date has some reference to the incident, as do later files concerning victims' families, publishing houses, motion picture companies, etc. Series I: President no records. Series III: Board. Arrangement: Chronological. Date Range: Boxes: Type of documents: Minutes and attached reports. Among the issues documented were: long-range goals, organizational restructuring, area and committee reports, finances, personnel, equipment and facilities, board functions, internationalization of MAF, divorce, role of women, membership, presidential search, relations with other MAF bodies around the world and opening offices in international locations, changes in by-laws, establishment of the MAF Foundation.
Series IV: International. Subseries: A. Area Offices no records.
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Date Range: , n. Volume: 2. Boxes: , Notes: This series consists of MAF records of both its interaction and coordination with sister organizations, and its regional divisions in selected continents. Subseries IV.