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Your Name. He was elected a Life Member of the Association in He was the President of the South African Council for Architects for two consecutive terms from to , and remained on the first Council which was appointed in terms of the Act for the Architectural Profession serving until His interests were however wider and he served as a Town Councillor of Sandton from , and was a member of the Management Committee from He also served as President of Convocation of the University from to Re-printed with kind permission from the SA Institute of Architects.
Gary Frisch, the computer entrepreneur who established Gaydar the dating website died on 10 February At the time of his death the website had more than 3. Frisch was born on 22 January and attended Boksburg High School. After matriculating he went on to study computer science at Wits University. After graduating he set up his own software company, Frisoft Software. First appointed in as a junior lecturer, Prof Fisher worked his way up to become Chair of Psychology in and served as acting Head of Psychology from to and then eventually Head of Psychology from to He was widely published in national and international journals, with a strong focus on the well being of employees in the workplace.
He served on the founding Executive Council of the Ergonomics Society of Southern Africa and served as a managing editor of the accredited journal Ergonomics SA from to Prof Fisher served on numerous University committees and was a member of both the University Senate and Council. He was an active member of his community, the chair of his local agricultural society and was also a Tai Chi instructor.
A psychology major, Graff was one of few women to serve on the SRC. She completed an LLB and then practised as an attorney. In the Law Faculty dean invited her to transform the voluntary law clinic into a fully fledged unit which she undertook with zest over the next decade. Aspirant attorneys served their Articles there, gaining practical experience and providing legal services to the indigent and those prejudiced by apartheid. Graff retired in having built the clinic into a model copied by several local faculties. She continued to consult to Wits on matters of student discipline.
He was involved in the industry on various levels. Professor Frikkie Van Reenen passed away after a short illness on Saturday, 8 September in George where he was in retirement. After qualifying as a dentist in from Wits, Frikkie spent a year in London as a National Health Dentist and returned to South Africa in , when he opened a private practice in Pretoria where he first became involved in dental education as a visiting lecturer at the Dental School of the University of Pretoria.
During his time he made major contributions to dental education and dental research, particularly in the fields of prosthetic dentistry, anthropology and oral microbiology. The Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa was a special commitment and interest for Frikkie and he was honorary scientific editor for more than twenty years. He was a founder of Von Holy Consulting and well known in the FMCG sector for his work as a food safety consultant, trainer and auditor.
He was a pioneer of formal adult education and in-service training on food quality, hygiene, and sanitation and food microbiology. He is survived by his wife, Corene and their three sons.
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Alex Walker was born on 13 September in Motherwell, Scotland. He attended school in Gloucestershire, England and graduated with a BSc degree from the University of Bristol with majors in chemistry and physics in , followed by an MSc from the same university in , followed by a diploma in education. In he came to South Africa where he joined the Johannesburg Municipal Department of Health as an analytical chemist assessing water sewage and eventually the metabolic process and value of various food types.
In he obtained a PhD from the University of Cape Town where his research included dietary, biochemical, haematological and other studies on population groups affected by disorders and diseases associated with malnutrition and prosperity.
His contributions to research in nutrition led to him being awarded a DSc by the University of Cape Town. He published over articles, letters and editorials, with at least of these were published after he turned Born in Johannesburg, Warren matriculated from Jeppe Boys High and studied medicine at Wits, where he was president of the Students Representative Council, the Students Medical Council and a founding member of the squash club.
It was while working as a GP in South West Africa Namibia that he became interested in the emotional problems encountered in general practice. He returned to Johannesburg to specialise in psychiatry and spent his final thirty years as a psychoanalytical psychotherapist, working from rooms at his home in Parkmore. Warren also held diplomas in public health and industrial medicine. Dodson s lifelong love affair with type and typography began just before the Second World War at the Kingston College of Art, where as an architectural student he discovered letterpress printing, and devoted the rest of his life to its practice and history.
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In , on the recommendation of Francis Meynell, he succeeded Harry Carter as Head of Layout at Her Majesty's Stationery Office, which at that time was setting worldwide standards for the design and printing of government publications. Five years later he went to live in South Africa, where he taught typography at Wits and later at Johannesburg Technical College. In he returned to England. Alan died in Malvern, Worcestershire on 10 January Dr Avraham Eidelman qualified as a doctor at the University of the Witwatersrand in Born in Kovno in , Avraham aged five arrived with his parents in South Africa and grew up in Mayfair, Johannesburg.
Starting as a young doctor in Assaf Harofeh, Israel, he specialized as a surgeon in urology and eventually worked his way up to be head of the Urology Department. He held this position for 21 years. After his retirement, he served as Assaf Harofeh for almost the next 10 years as a part-time surgeon and consultant. Apart from his medical talents he had interests in other fields. Avraham died on the 15th April after a long illness. Cora Erasmus was born and educated in Johannesburg. In she was appointed as the Chief Medical Officer of Health of the City of Germiston, a leadership position that was unusual for women of her generation.
Simultaneously she served as Professor of Social and Preventive Medicine at Wits, a position she held from In she returned to her position as MOH of Germiston, and she served in that capacity until she retired in Eybers's poetry was mainly in Afrikaans, although she translated some of her own work and those of others into English. After completing her high school studies at the age of 16, she enrolled at the University of the Witwatersrand for a Bachelor of Arts degree, which she achieved cum laude. After her graduation she became a journalist. In Eybers married the businessman Albert Wessels, with whom she had three daughters and a son.
Counted among the so-called Dertigers, she became the first Afrikaans woman to win the Hertzog Prize for poetry in She won the prize again in Her work received many other awards in both South Africa and the Netherlands, including the Constantijn Huygens prize in and the P. Hooft Award in Eybers first collection of poems Belydenis in die Skemering Confession in the twilight was published in Her second collection, entitled Die Stil Avontuur The silent adventure was published in Die Vrou en ander verse The woman and other poems was published in while her fourth poetry collection, Die Ander Dors The other thirst was published in Imraan Sayed, a recent graduate of Wits University, was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident that occurred on 22 December Imraan enrolled at Wits University in and completed his BA undergraduate in , majoring in Geography and Archaeology.
In he did his Postgraduate studies in Human Geography and would have graduated on 17 May Imraan was passionate about cricket and by the age of 18 was already playing Premier and President's League cricket for the Lenasia Cricket Club. This passion began at age 5 when he could be seen playing cricket in Lenasia's Pegasus Street. He never missed a Saturday morning for Baker's mini cricket. He represented Lenasia's under 13 in various cricket weeks and captained the under 15 teams.
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In he participated in the Beckwith under 19 cricket week. Imraan played in his final match on 11 December Bruce Sephton died in Derby, England on 1 June aged After matriculating from Dale College in he enrolled at Wits University to study mechanical engineering. After graduating in he went to the UK to take up the position of rail transport expert in the services of the then Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland railways.
In he married Betty Worsley.
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Their married life began in Rhodesia where their children Anne, Craig and Claire were born. In the 's he was sent to the UK as the supervisor of the team that introduced electric locomotives to the Rhodesian Railways. He later joined Brush where he remained until his retirement in Robert Simmons passed away in his sleep on the 7 February He was the first deaf person in South Africa to matriculate and the first deaf person to obtain a university degree without an interpreter.
While employed at Wits he lectured in anatomy to students in the medical, speech pathology and audiology fields.
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Sheila Spitz BA died in Jerusalem in , aged Born 30 January , Spitz completed an undergraduate degree in history and economics. She was involved in charities locally and in Israel. At Wits he was appointed to research Local Government.