My girlfriend was covered in blood.
They came inside. Her mother told the boys to hold me, and they beat me a lot. They broke my left arm. Other community members came when they heard the sound, and I escaped. When [my girlfriend and I] are walking together, guys who know me, try to propose to her.

Sometimes there are two guys, sometimes just one. I fight with them then. The year-old said: They took my mum to one room and tied her up. Three of them took me into another room.
They almost raped me… then something happened and they decided to leave. One time my girlfriend and I were in a bar. A guy wanted to talk to me…. I was ignoring him. He started yelling at her and telling her to mind her own business. She said I was her business. He started slapping us. Other people tried to intervene and we got away. It was quiet; we were walking on the road. The guys beat me up. One of the guys took my girlfriend away and raped her. They were kicking me in the chest with their feet. Three guys were beating me. It felt like a long time. When they were finished I could stand up and walk, but it was painful.
I broke up with my girlfriend two weeks ago. When I passed them, they asked if I was a girl. I woke up in the morning. My clothes were torn. There was blood. I was in pieces. I thought … it will happen again. Nosizwe got pregnant and her mother is raising the child. One guy came to talk to me. He slapped me. Another guy came, I knew [him]; he was [known in Lusikisiki as] a rapist and a thief.
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I was fighting hard by this time. They were saying they will teach me how to behave as a woman. They said I should not be tough.
But the fifth guy He came from behind and hit me on the back. A guy who was passing found me like that hours later and took me home. I had a severe headache for four days … I thought I was bleeding.
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I bathed again. They had poured petrol on me. And I thought I would forget. It was dark now. I was crying and asking him to leave me alone. He started beating me. He pulled out a knife. I ran but I fell down and he got me.
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He knew things about me. He knew where I lived and when I came home, and who came to my house, what friends I had. He had seen my lesbian friends coming home and he talked about how we all dress like men. I really hated myself then…. When guys come to talk to me, it reminds me of what happened. Something clicks and I get angry. I get so stressed that I fall sick…. Two men followed her and dragged to her to nearby bushes: [They] took turns on me. I was begging them to leave me.
I recognized the voice of one of them. They were beating me. I struggled and struggled. Everything came to a pause….
Everything stopped for me. There are lots of those guys around, they are connected. I know [that] those guys know me. They wanted to do this to a butch lesbian. I wanted an abortion. I went to a private hospital. The counselor said they wanted to ask me two questions. Two, what will you think every time you see a baby? It was in December [that] I went for counseling.
By the time I went to the hospital it was four months later. There was no point in thinking about [an abortion].
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My mother takes care of the baby. I woke up the next morning in another room, naked, there was blood all over me. There was money under the pillow. I was crying. My big sis came home and I told her something had happened. I was I wanted to kill myself right away. I looked for them all night. At a. The next day, Sunday, at a. She wanted me to kill her. I feel guilt.
It was because of me. If I [had] never exposed them to [my lesbianism], they would still be alive.